ok, final post about this bleedin' mug. here is a picture of the mug that did
this damage. why have i posted the same pic
3 times? it is because the mug broke
3 times. this information only came to
light recently.
it was a small gift i got Bulbgirl because she liked it. the stripy pattern was very pleasing to the eye and i know that she likes stripy things. apparently number
1 mug broke and she didn't want to tell that she destroyed the gift i got her. replacing the drinking receptacle with an identical one, history was to again repeat itself and number
2 mug went the same way as number
1 mug
*. at this point telling me was really out of the question. only after the
third and final smash was i to be told that the mug that did the final damage was actually a third reincarnation.
would i have been told this information if the damage could have been hidden, and the mug replaced again? probably not. what put a spanner in the works? aside from the damage to bulbgirl's finger that was not so easy to hide, was another problem: the mugs are no longer available. maybe plastic isn't so bad.
funnily enough
monks left a comment about the mug looking evil, and just days later he was almost attacked by none other than a stripy mug! watch out people,
mug karma in action!
question: have you ever told your loved one little white lies, about breakages etc. for their benefit?