in my hands was a credit card size flashlight to test.
very sleek, with a brushed stainless steel finish.
this was the EON Classic Torch.
it has 2 bright white LEDs that. it has no bulbs to blow and no batteries to change.
it is the size of a credit card that has been overeating i.e. fatter than your average credit card.
i first used an EON a few years ago, which was orange transparent plastic and it served me well.
it eventually gave up the ghost, well the construction did. it came apart around the edges due to damage suffered in my pocket, but the led still kept working.
this stainless steel version seems more durable, although its pristine quality is soon marked by finger prints, even from a clean hand.
to my eye the leds give out a white light that leans towards the blue end of the spectrum.
and it doesn't have a smooth beam: 2 hotspots are definitely visible.
in my opinion the EON classic is overpriced, cheapest i've found is on play.com, but it is being so slick and gorgeous you are obviously paying for the design, rather than brightness/illumination. it almost looks like something that apple mac would come up with.
it would make an excellent christmas gift for anyone with a wallet really.
everyone should have a flashlight.