having not been as physically active of late due to fibromyalgia, i seem to have lost weight. that's not a good thing. my trousers don't exactly fit me as they did before. this weight loss, only seems to be muscle mass loss, while my fat remains. that's quite a good thing i supppose as winter approaches, the padding should come in useful against any cold spells.
the skin around my neck seems unusually stretchy though. don't know if it was like this before but it now reminds me of the mission impossible trick of whipping off the face mask disguise. maybe this halloween i'll should go guising as myself?

that is the scariest mask i have ever seen...you better put that away after halloween and leave it in a drawyer until next year. :-)
haha...Can you imagine what bulbgirl would have done if you told *her* that she had a double chin?!
What you are experiancing is what I have named "Skinnyfat". Very common for people that have been sick for long periods of time and girls that think that they don't need to work out as long as they don't eat. Ewwww. Lucky, being active for a few days will cure the skinnyfat :).
p.s. Thanks for the plug :)! Viva La La Lingerie!
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